
菰樽 本醸造[こもだる ほんじょうぞう]
- 使用米
- 一般米
- 精米歩合
- 70%
- アルコール度数
- 15度〜16度未満
Komodaru Honjozo
Taste:Medium dry
Serving temperature:10℃〜45℃
Sake Type (designation):Honjozo
Rice:Brewer’s rice
Rice Polishing Ratio:70%
Alcohol Content (by volume):15%~16%
“Komodaru(*) Honjozo” is smooth and refreshing Honjozo with rich savoury flavour of rice extracted through traditional brewing skills using rice suitable for sake brewing. After drinking, the empty bottle can be used for decoration.
(*) “Komodaru” literally means “barrel wrapped in woven mat”